It seems distant, but Winter is coming. Freezing temperatures and snow are usually short-lived here; nonetheless, diligent homeowners should be mindful of the following maintenance items:
Address Peeling Paint
Peeling is a sign of paint failure. Once the paint film has failed it can no longer protect your wood siding. Peeling paint should be removed by scraping and sanding as soon as it becomes visible. The bare surface should then be primed and fresh paint applied. If left alone, exposed siding will be susceptible to premature deterioration and rot.
Caulk helps to keep the heat in your home and the moisture out. If your caulk is cracked or failing, it should be completely removed at the point of failure and new caulk should be applied.
Protect Your Decks
On the Outer Banks, we have periods of extended precipitation and occasionally we experience freezing temperatures. Moisture, combined with freezing and thawing, can wreak havoc on your decks. Consider having them sealed in the Fall. This will reduce cracking and splitting and extend the life of your decks.
Check For Visible Signs of Rot
Water penetration leads to excessive moisture and inevitably causes wood rot. It can also create an ideal habitat for termites. If you see signs of damage on your corner trim or door/window trim, it warrants further investigation.
Power Washing
Power washing not only cleans your house and decks, but it can also reveal failed caulking, peeling paint, cracked deck boards and dry rot.
Other Items
Gutters, chimneys and roof shingles should be checked before winter. It's also advisable to test and replace the batteries in your home's smoke and CO detectors as well.
The Fall season is a very busy time for us at Beach Painting. Don't wait too long to schedule your maintenance painting and carpentry repairs. This is also a great time to address any interior painting and drywall needs. Call us at 1-800-663-4944 or visit our website to schedule a free estimate.